Affinity Group

OMLTA Invites You to Participate in the Affinity Group

An affinity group brings together “people who have an identifier in common: race, gender, religion, family status, etc.

Affinity groups are for individuals who identify as members of the group and can speak to the experience of being a member of the group from the “I” perspective”. (Rosetta Lee)


Why is the OMLTA hosting a Racialized Peoples Affinity Group ?

Our purpose is to provide a safe space where racialized language educators:

  • Feel that their racialized identities and experiences are seen, heard, valued, and validated
  • Feel connected to each other and supported

As racialized language educators on colonized land within colonial educational structures, we occupy a unique position. In order for us to challenge systems of oppression, including those which we uphold in educational settings, we have to first feel valued and validated in our experiences.


For more information, please see the flyer below. For questions or to sign up, please email

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